ツバイスペースは2015年に都内のワンルームマンション約700室を各室1ビットコイン(当時、1ビットコインは約4万円、約400ドル)で1ヶ月間借りられるキャンペーンを開始し、ブロックチェーンで世界の不動産ソリューションをリードしてきました。2022年には日本に加え、アメリカ、韓国、中国など各国で不動産ブロックチェーン特許の取得を完了し、メタバースでの商業用不動産賃貸管理業務を開始しています。今回はアパレル店舗兼住居ビル、飲食店舗兼オフィスビルのメタバースを発表、67,800万円。物理的な不動産側は不動産会社 PRESI が担当し、ブロックチェーンのメタバース側は ZWEISPACE が担当します。ご案内はメールフォームよりお問い合わせください。


「ツバイスペースは、創業以来、『IoTとインターネットをつかった不動産の価値向上、若者や起業家の出会いを促すことによる都市の繁栄 、つまり官・民双方の不動産の価値向上によりすべての人を笑顔にできる企業』をテーマに営業してまいりました。当初より、起業家向けのイベントや、3D・AIアプリなどを運営しつつも、ブロックチェーンを不動産分野に応用することは有効だと認識し、セキュリティーの観点から布石を打ちました。 ブロックチェーン業界は当初、仮想通貨のICOなどで盛り上がりを見せ、マーケティング系の案件が多く見受けられましたが、第一世代のプロジェクトや取引所が淘汰され、世界最大の市場である米国の政府の判断もようやく出始め、業界の基調が整う今年2023年は、法規制を遵守し、特許を尊重する上場企業や政府を優先し、弊社の強みである3D・AI技術も駆使したデジタルツイン事業を、真摯に展開してまいります。」




・ZWEINOTE TokyoPresi Restaurant-Office, 67,800万円

・ZWEINOTE TokyoPresi Apparel-Residence, ASK












































この東京の2つの不動産はレジスターナイト( RegisterKnight )によって不動産ブロックチェーンに登録されています。レジスターナイトは、不動産の売買、不動産の賃貸、地震の記録など、さまざまな目的で利用されています。不動産登記だけでなく、遺言などのソリューションへの応用も期待されており、すでに遺言のスマートコントラクトの設定が可能になっています。ツバイスペースの各スマートコントラクトには、AI 時代のブロックチェーン企業である ロボットヒルズ( Robothills )のブロックチェーン強化プログラムソリューションを利用しています。












現在、この他にもさまざまなツバイノート建築プロジェクトが進行中です。今回のアパレル店舗のアドバンテージ・ソリューションはファブリック・プロジェクト( ティッカー:FAB )が担当しますが、建物の種類ごとにユニークなトークン・プロジェクトが並行して進行しています。

その一つである ナマズ(NAMAZU)は、地震ソリューションをグローバルに形成するプロジェクトとそのトークンです。最初の数回の発行以来、ZWEICOIN のフォージとプロジェクトへの貢献からのみ入手でき、当初の約 10 倍になりました。


デジタルツインの不動産仲介、飲食店とオフィス併用ビル、アパレルと住居併用ビル、PRESIの東京都内の物件で開始。 | REIT JAPAN


Digital twin real estate brokerage, Zweispace started with digital twin apparel stores and residential buildings at PRESI properties in Tokyo.

In 2015, Zweispace launched a campaign to rent about 700 studio apartments in Tokyo for one month with 1 bitcoin per room (at that time, 1 bitcoin was about 40,000 yen, about 400 dollars), and has led the global real estate solutions in the blockchain industry. In 2022, in addition to Japan, Zweispace has completed the acquisition of real estate blockchain patents in various countries, including the United States, South Korea, and China, and has begun commercial real estate rental management operations in the Metaverse. This time, we announced a metaverse of an apparel store/residential building and a restaurant/office building. The physical real estate side will be handled by real estate company PRESI , while the blockchain metaverse side will be handled by ZWEISPACE. For information, please contact us using the email form. 

Hayato Kameta (CEO of ZWEISPACE) 

“Since its founding, ZWEISPACE has been committed to improving the value of real estate using IoT and the Internet, prospering cities by encouraging encounters between young people and entrepreneurs. In other words, we have been operating with the theme of being a company that can make everyone smile by improving the value of both public and private real estate. From the beginning, we operated events for entrepreneurs and 3D/AI apps, but we also recognized that applying blockchain to the real estate field would be effective, so we made a strategic move from the perspective of security. At first, the blockchain industry was booming with virtual currency ICOs, and there were many marketing projects. In 2023, when projects and exchanges have been weeded out, and the US government, the world’s largest market, has finally begun to make decisions, and the industry is set for 2023, priority will be given to listed companies and governments that comply with laws and regulations and respect patents. We will continue to earnestly develop our digital twin business that makes full use of our strengths in 3D and AI technology.”

Yuya Ishii (President of PRESI)

“With blockchain technology, it is expected that the digital world and the real world will become more and more integrated in the future, and PRESI has decided to steer to the turning point of this era. Properties with digital twins and properties without digital twins, I can imagine that the value of those two will be clearly divided.”

ZweiNote Digital Twin

  • ZWEINOTE Tokyo Presi Restaurant-Office, 678 million yen 
  • ZWEINOTE Tokyo Presi Apparel-Residence, ASK 

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The 1st floor is a restaurant, and the 2nd to 8th floors are office floors.

State of 1F 

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State of 2F-8F

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Apparel shop and residential building

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On the apparel floor, in addition to products linked to the actual store, products not found in the store can also be exhibited, and there are other unique ideas that are disclosed only to digital twin purchasers. In addition, purchased products can be stored at the purchaser’s residence on the Metaverse, and the purchased digital rights will be managed more securely by registering them on the blockchain as well as so-called NFTs. 

On the office floor, you can receive legal services using AI, and since 2019, a blockchain project using legal tokens has been underway, and has been selected in the list of legal tech by Stanford University in the United States. 

On the restaurant floor, which is the metaverse of restaurants, we are preparing solutions for restaurants in parallel, and the TAN project, a new industry project for Japanese food ingredients, is also underway. 

These two properties in Tokyo are registered on the real estate blockchain by RegisterKnight . RegisterKnight is used for a variety of purposes, including buying and selling real estate, renting real estate, and recording earthquakes. In addition to real estate registration, it is expected to be applied to solutions such as wills, and it is already possible to set up smart contracts for wills. Each of Zweispace’s smart contracts utilizes a blockchain-enhanced program solution from Robothills , an AI -era blockchain company . 


Digital twin real estate brokerage

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With the addition of restaurants and offices, PRESI is now able to handle buildings of various business types in addition to the coworking spaces, apparel, and condominiums that PRESI has worked on so far. PRESI, a real estate company, is in charge of intermediary on the physical real estate side, and ZWEISPACE is in charge of the blockchain metaverse side. Please contact us for details.

Currently, various other ZweiNote architectural projects are underway. The fabric project (ticker: FAB) is in charge of the apparel store advantage solution this time, but a unique token project for each type of building is progressing in parallel.

One of them, NAMAZU, is a project and its token that form a global earthquake solution. Since the first few issuances, it has only been available through ZWEICOIN’s forge and contributions to the project, now about ten times what it originally was.

Also, the Generative Metaverse Construction Build Project (BLD) and its tokens, which were announced at the end of last year, are not only in Tokyo, but construction plans are underway in other regions and overseas from this quarter. From the beginning, we recognized that the United States, which is an English-speaking country and has a long history of dominance in the internet application industry, would be advantageous in the area of language generic AI such as ChatGPT. On the other hand, in Japan, a country prone to earthquakes, we recognized early on that earthquake-related AI areas would be effective. In recognition of this, we acquired related patents promptly in 2018, won the Silicon Valley Tech Summit in 2020 during the corona crisis, and collaboration with major global construction companies, telecommunications companies, insurance companies, IT companies, etc. are proceeding.